Sunshine Laundromat


Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service in Charlotte, NC

Our team will pick up your laundry, expertly clean it, and have it delivered back to you within 24 hours, drawer-ready and smelling fresh

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How it Works

Laundry Delivery in 4
Easy Steps

Whether you are too busy at home or do not have the facilities to handle your on-site linens, our expert laundry delivery service in Charlotte, N.C. is here to help!

1.Download App

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2.Select a Plan & Schedule

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3.We Pick-Up Laundry

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4.We Deliver Laundry

Receive your clean and folded garments in 24hrs!

Start your wash-and-fold service today!

Download our app to start living life free of laundry and spending time where it matters most!


What They Say

Customer Service

Need help? Our team is ready to speak with you and help with your laundry needs.


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